Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Monday, May 19, 2014

Coltons Mission call/pictures

My oldest nephew is graduating in the coming week or so and just received his mission call as well.  It's weirding me out because he was just a little older then Tyson when Bryan and I got married.  My kids really are not too far behind him! First here are a few pictures that I took of him for his senior pictures.  I feel really honored they allowed me to do it.  There is the coolest old pioneer home on their neighbors property and we got some sweet pictures by it.  Well at least I think they are good. 

 I was really hoping they would allow us to be there when he opened his call.  I really wanted my boys to be there to see him open his call.  Pretty much Coltons whole family/extended family was there in person or on skype/facetime to see him open it.  Even his grandparents on a mission in England.  He is called to the Calgary Canada mission and leaves the middle of July.

 I love the picture of him hugging his mom.

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