I've been dying to get some family pictures since I got my lens. I was racking my brain on how to do it since my camera doesn't have a remote to it and wont do multiple exposers on a timer. (Time for a new camera Bryan!) We ended up having our neighbor come to help us and it was much better to have Kristin then just my camera on a timer. For sure! But I was get the exposer I want then she would stand a little off from where I was and it would be off. Not her fault at all but hard to judge what to do. For what it was we did ok. This first set was all me. I'm going to nit pick them a bit but here we go-
Bake was the hardest one to take pictures of because he HATES it so bad. He even broke down crying for awhile because of it. (that's him pouting below). I need a reflector when I'm shooting with backlight. (the sun is behind their heads) so their faces are not so dark. Note to self. ;) But isn't the light yummy?? Oh I loved it!
Brett was the best! He was so good! I wish I got a few more of him in the dandelions. He was so sweet!
Stockton was a little bit of a pill for the family pictures for some reason. He was good for his own pictures for the most part.
See my point about their faces? I need to learn how to fix that in photoshop. Anyone know how to help me?
The fields were COVERED in dandelions that have gone to seed (we call them wishers) and the boys ran up and down the field. We were at our friend Scotts property in wellsville where the boys always go fishing. It was so beautiful.
I think they look great! I love the last one. I don't have a reflector either but I have been using a white foam board lately and I think I actually like that more... It makes for some really pretty fill light. Also, do you use Lightroom to edit? It makes things like lightening shadows super easy. I HATE editing in Photoshop, but LOVE it in Lightroom. Just a plug. ;)
Your photos show lots of personality & excitement!
I think this setting ranks up in the top for most beautiful .
I think your a great photographer!
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