Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Cousins in July!

Now that it is nice outside we are spending a lot of time outdoors and lucky for us with cousins!
 They are laughing that Ty feel out of his chair. 
 I LOVE when the fields are watering in the evening and the light reflects off the water...
 Ava and Laycee

 Bryan got challenged to go jump into first dam.  He decided to do it in style. 
 Then he talked Blake into trying it- and had to throw him in because he was freaking out.  He wasn't a fan. 
 We found these weird sunglasses in our bag after a trip to Hyrum Dam.  They are funny looking on Bryan.

 I taught Laycee how to use my camera.  She took this picture of me and Ava. 
 Lily was teasing her mom and I caught this cute real smile from her. 
 McCall, Laycee and Brett
 Dirty Stockton feet
 The girls were all posing for us.  Now look at my Brett- what is he doing??
 Stock is into drawing. 

 Another pair of glasses we ended up with- not really sure how. The boys are into hammering rocks because they are "mining" the rocks.  I make them wear glasses and he wore this pair.  Had to snap a picture. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Such pretty photos! You have such a good eye for nice light!