We have had a busy summer. We had swimming lessons for Stock and Blake. Tysons are coming up next week.
This is Stockton so proud that he put his face in the water. He made the teacher cheer for him. So cute. He was scared to death to put his face in the water because Ty told him their are monsters in the water. Aren't big brothers fun?
Both my boys made a lot of progress this year. I especially loved Stocktons two teachers. They were really cute with him.
Stockton told her that he needed her glasses because it was too bright.
We went to the redneck water slide again for our friends daughters birthday party. My friend Amy went down and was like Heather you have got to go down. I am SCARED TO DEATH to most anything like this so I said I will if Shelly goes. She is scared of stuff just like me. Then she stood up and like she would go! I was shocked! So I had to go! I decided to buck up and quit being a wuss. My kids need to see me be brave every once in awhile. So we went up to the top- Shelly and I and her sister Nicole. We cut in front of the kids- you know like a bratty adult would do. And we sit down and Shelly starts to FREAK. She is dying. She is like Cole I want to get off, I'm not going to go. She starts yelling she isn't going to go, so we started to go. And she is yelling "I hate you cole! I hate you Cole!" So funny. But it was so blasted fun. Seriously. It's a lot worse then it looks. We ended up going down like 3 more times. So fun. This is Shelly strangling her sister and our friend Leigh then me.
I had my nephews with us which my boys loved. My boys went down with them a ton.
This is Cole, Shelly, Me and Shelly's daughter Camberia.
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