Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Tuesday, July 22, 2014


Seriously what is wrong with me? I totally forgot to post about the 4th of July. Here we go- 
 Most of the younger Palmer grandkids. 

 The sun was beaming though the clouds on the way to the fireworks.  I love when that happens.
 Bryan always gets a photo with Laycee at the fireworks.

 The best thing about the fireworks is Sannette.  She cheers and yells and screams the colors she sees the whole time.  "oh Heather it's Purple! Oh Heather it's pink!" it's so fun.  She is the best.

Before the fireworks I of course had my camera and Becca's girls wanted me to take pictures of them.  Who am I to say no?  They were so fun! I had a little too much fun taking pictures... 

Here is my attempt at sparkler shapes. 

The next morning we woke up early to go watch Bryan run in the freedom 15K run.  He did awesome! I was so proud of him!

 His time was actually more like 1 hr 13 mins because he was in the back of the group.

 I love the 4th of July.  It was a fun day.

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