Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Ty is 9

I can't believe my son is getting so old.  It's an amazing thing watching your kids grow up. I remember having a panicked feeling after he was born that he was going to turn out to be a punk and I was going to mess him up somehow.  Despite my lack of being a good mom he is turning out to be an amazing boy.  Tyson is one of the most caring and compassionate kids I've ever known.  He worries about following the rules and wants to please everyone so much.  He is very tender hearted which I wouldn't have guessed when he was about 3.  He was so funny when he was little because little seemed to faze him.  He was a nut.   It didn't help that he couldn't hear very good come to find out.  He works really hard at what he does.  He wants everyone to be happy with the job he is doing.  His ADHD has been really, really hard but this year in school he is doing so well. It's amazing to see what was locked inside that brain of his and couldn't get out before. He is doing so good with math and last year he was totally failing.  I love this boy.  I'm not sure I deserve him but I'm glad God sent him to me.  =) 

 Birthday ninjas 

 we went to the fun park as per his request. Some dumb family brought this really sick little girl there that day and she was coughing up crap all over the play place.  So much so it looked like she was puking.  Then they STAYED after that.  So we didn't las there long.  Ty loved earning so many tickets an eating the pizza there.

He wanted his favorite- a razzleberry pie.  Happy birthday sweet boy! I'm excited to see what kind of amazing person you are growing into being.  Just don't grow too fast please? 


This was the first year in a long time I've been able to get just about everything I wanted to do with my boys done before christmas.  Ginger bread houses, driving around looking at lights, santa, and the list goes on.  The one thing left we needed to do was make cookies so with everything else I was doing Christmas eve I fit in making cookies too.  I don't bake very often.  It's a mess! But the boys loved it and for that reason I need to do it more often.  Stockton especially got into the cookies.  I'm regretting not adding a picture of him with the cookies now but Blake did love it too. 
We went to my in laws for Christmas Eve but this year it was only our family and Jenny's even though it's their year for Christmas.  It seems to me we are the only family that actually still follows the in laws schedule.
When we got home the boys opened their new PJ's and Stockton wasn't happy about it.  He wanted to open a toy and was sad it was PJ's.  My older boys are used to the drill now I've been doing this since Blake was a year old.

Stockton leaving out cookies for santa.  I was really into the whole santa thing this year.
I went a little over board on presents this year.  I do it all the time.  I never have the right amount because it's hard to know.

The boys running in on Christmas morning. 

I forgot to add that Bryan's parents spent Christmas morning with us and that was fun.

Their big presents were a hugging elmo for Brett, vtech trains for stockton, a kindle fire for Blake and a ninjago lego set for tyson.  
 My parents came up the day after Christmas with the kids presents.  My dad had built the kids a lego table that they LOVE.

Saturday, January 10, 2015


Sorry I'm figuring my computer out and it's taking some time I don't have the energy for!  The Saturday after thanksgiving we had the annual Palmer christmas party at our home again. It kicks my rear to get my house ready in time because i like Thanksgiving and I don't like putting Christmas up before Thanksgiving.  Of course the kids loved it.  Stockton especially. He was shaking he was so excited.  Come to find out not only is Joe and his family moving but Becca and her family are moving far away so our party may be very small next year.  

 I know Ty is out of focus but look at his face! He was really excited when Santa came in too.

 When Santa called her name to come up and get her present she stood up and yells "I won I won!"

 Here is the surprise of the night. Brett was really scared of Santa but Bryan told him that if he wanted a present he had to sit with santa.  He was super shy and really nervous but he went up anyway and sat with Santa.  Totally melted my heart.  He was so excited about the present that he got too.

Its really sad to me that the kids are going to live so far away from each other next year. I loved being around my cousins growing up even though we lived kind of far away.  We still could drive a couple of times a year to visit and I kept a good relationship with them.  Who knows what is going to happen with the Palmer cousins.  Good thing we have the internet to keep in touch right?

Monday, January 5, 2015

Temple square

Bryans parents paid for a trip to stay in Salt Lake over night and see the lights at temple square.  We started off with the worst service I've ever had at the Olive Garden next to our hotel.  Seriously I still can't believe how horrible it was.  But then the end we got our meal for free and some money on gift cards extra so I can't complain TOO bad.  We made our way to temple square on a very warm for December night.  It was so nice that it wasn't freezing.  We went back to our hotel and let the kids swim  in the pool.  I'm sure the highlight of the trip for my boys.  They also love staying in a hotel.  It's such a treat. 

 I NEED to remember that when anyone other then me takes my camera I need to put it on Auto. Wish my flash would have popped up for this one but oh well.
Since this was our last year with all the family their together it was bitter sweet.  Bryan's brother Joe and his family are moving as are his younger sister Becca and her family.  So odd that Jenny is the only sibling left in the valley here.