Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Saturday, January 10, 2015


Sorry I'm figuring my computer out and it's taking some time I don't have the energy for!  The Saturday after thanksgiving we had the annual Palmer christmas party at our home again. It kicks my rear to get my house ready in time because i like Thanksgiving and I don't like putting Christmas up before Thanksgiving.  Of course the kids loved it.  Stockton especially. He was shaking he was so excited.  Come to find out not only is Joe and his family moving but Becca and her family are moving far away so our party may be very small next year.  

 I know Ty is out of focus but look at his face! He was really excited when Santa came in too.

 When Santa called her name to come up and get her present she stood up and yells "I won I won!"

 Here is the surprise of the night. Brett was really scared of Santa but Bryan told him that if he wanted a present he had to sit with santa.  He was super shy and really nervous but he went up anyway and sat with Santa.  Totally melted my heart.  He was so excited about the present that he got too.

Its really sad to me that the kids are going to live so far away from each other next year. I loved being around my cousins growing up even though we lived kind of far away.  We still could drive a couple of times a year to visit and I kept a good relationship with them.  Who knows what is going to happen with the Palmer cousins.  Good thing we have the internet to keep in touch right?

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