Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Ty is 9

I can't believe my son is getting so old.  It's an amazing thing watching your kids grow up. I remember having a panicked feeling after he was born that he was going to turn out to be a punk and I was going to mess him up somehow.  Despite my lack of being a good mom he is turning out to be an amazing boy.  Tyson is one of the most caring and compassionate kids I've ever known.  He worries about following the rules and wants to please everyone so much.  He is very tender hearted which I wouldn't have guessed when he was about 3.  He was so funny when he was little because little seemed to faze him.  He was a nut.   It didn't help that he couldn't hear very good come to find out.  He works really hard at what he does.  He wants everyone to be happy with the job he is doing.  His ADHD has been really, really hard but this year in school he is doing so well. It's amazing to see what was locked inside that brain of his and couldn't get out before. He is doing so good with math and last year he was totally failing.  I love this boy.  I'm not sure I deserve him but I'm glad God sent him to me.  =) 

 Birthday ninjas 

 we went to the fun park as per his request. Some dumb family brought this really sick little girl there that day and she was coughing up crap all over the play place.  So much so it looked like she was puking.  Then they STAYED after that.  So we didn't las there long.  Ty loved earning so many tickets an eating the pizza there.

He wanted his favorite- a razzleberry pie.  Happy birthday sweet boy! I'm excited to see what kind of amazing person you are growing into being.  Just don't grow too fast please? 

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