Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Monday, January 5, 2015

Temple square

Bryans parents paid for a trip to stay in Salt Lake over night and see the lights at temple square.  We started off with the worst service I've ever had at the Olive Garden next to our hotel.  Seriously I still can't believe how horrible it was.  But then the end we got our meal for free and some money on gift cards extra so I can't complain TOO bad.  We made our way to temple square on a very warm for December night.  It was so nice that it wasn't freezing.  We went back to our hotel and let the kids swim  in the pool.  I'm sure the highlight of the trip for my boys.  They also love staying in a hotel.  It's such a treat. 

 I NEED to remember that when anyone other then me takes my camera I need to put it on Auto. Wish my flash would have popped up for this one but oh well.
Since this was our last year with all the family their together it was bitter sweet.  Bryan's brother Joe and his family are moving as are his younger sister Becca and her family.  So odd that Jenny is the only sibling left in the valley here.

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