We started out the month with our yearly trip to SLC with the Palmers. Jenny couldn't come yet and Ron had the younger girls with him a little late. We ate at the Lion house next to temple square. We got there just as the lights were turning on!
Isn't the sky look amazing?
I really need to put my camera in a mode that is easier to use. Even though this photo is blurry I love it still.
The kids loved our hotel pool.
We stopped at Smith and Edwards on the way home for the kids to pick their presents out. (they get 20 bucks from Grandma and Grandpa as their presents) This is Easton asleep with his presents.
Blake after his orchestra concert.
I love watching my kids play basketball. We spent most of our Saturdays watching the kids play. This was Brett's first year playing!
Bryan coached Blakes team.
One of the best things we did this Christmas season is a fun thing with our favorite family the McEvoys. We loved giving back by buying peoples groceries. I hope we can do that again next year.
Easton started putting this together himself with a little bit of help from me. He wanted to be santa!
Eastie clause
Then the other boys decided they wanted to make a huge santa sleigh
Dental Cleanings
Watching tv from his sleigh
Bryan coached Blakes team this year
Stocktons team
Bretts team
Bryan trying to teach Tyson to tie a tie.
Stockton reading his scriptures and Brett reading a book.
Ward christmas party
What I think is our 10th year of our friends Christmas party - our good friends that live by us. We are so blessed to have such wonderful friends.
My best friend Heather.
Realistic photo of my children
Easton's first day in primary. This is how "well" he did. He did a lot better the first real time he went when I wasn't there.
NOVA graduation
Bryan in Dallas Texas for work
Stockton made this at school and wanted a picture of it.
Palmers christmas party! These poor kids- their mom is a photographer and she freaking left all of her memory cards at home. So photos on a cell phone it is.
Riding home in his new present from Santa and the map Spencer drew him.
Ski season begins!
I was in charge of our anniversary this year. (Dec. 30th) Bryan absolutely loved to snowmobile before he met me. Since we got married we have only been one time before this. We rented one from beaver creek lodge up Logan Canyon. It was cold. Like freeze your nose together cold. About 7 degrees before the wind. It was so beautiful! I didn't bring my camera and Bryan forgot his phone. We got his at the lodge.
I was thinking it was going to be a easy going ride. Just fun and scenic. Bryan was feeling a need for speed. He went as fast as he could. Truth be told I was absolutely freezing. My mask on my face kept moving around and I was frozen. We went all the way over to St. Charles canyon at bear lake and got some hot chocolate. I drove most of the way back and went much slower which I liked. There were a few times I thought Bryan was trying to kill me going up hills etc. But we lived.
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