Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Monday, June 29, 2009

Hiking, swimming... yep it's summer!

We drove up in the mountains last weekend and ended up hiking about 6 miles.  Note to self:  don't take a three year old on a hike that long.  He was ok hiking the three miles in, but not the three miles out.  I love this picture of the family though.  I love the self timer.  

Dad and his boys. He can't wait to take them hunting in these mountains someday.   

We have the BEST dentist in the world.  He pays for his patients to have a free swim night at the local pool.  Ty went crazy he thought he had gone to heaven.  Bryan took him down the slide a few times and he just laughed and laughed.  Blake on the other hand was scared to death but warmed up to it after awhile.  We had a great time.  
All he wanted was his doughnut.  The kid ate the whole thing by himself. 
Going down the slide with dad. 
We had my nephew James over to our house.  I love this picture of the three of them.  
I haven't updated Sannette's progress for awhile. I think this picture explains how she is doing- Wonderful!  What a sweetheart! 

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Happy Fathers Day Bryan!

Fathers day 2009- The boys made him these Ties at church.  Here is Daddy and his "Ty's" 

Okay so I know it isn't fathers day anymore but I wanted to pay tribute to the father of my Children.  One of the things I love about him most (besides  being so ruggedly handsome) is how wonderful of a dad he is to my boys.  I always knew he would be and that's one of the main reasons I married him.  Every morning Blake asks where his dad is.  Then he always answers his own question "dad work mom" he says.  When he pulls up at the end of the day they always run to the door to greet him.  I really couldn't ask for a better father for my kids.  What else can you ask for? We love you Bryan!
Bryan's first official picture as a dad.  He has been crazy about Ty since the day he laid eyes on him.  They have been buddies ever since.  
I just think this picture is too sweet.  Whenever our kids are sick it makes Bryan physically ill worrying about them.  He would trade places with them in a heartbeat.  
There are few people I have ever seen the love to play with kids as much as my husband.  He LOVES to get down on the floor and chase and tickle my boys.  
Blakes first picture with Daddy.  I really don't know why in an important picture like this Bryan still looks stupid but that's just the way Bryan is.  Blake has loved his dad since day one.  
My three studs 
Last Halloween
Dad with the boys Jan. 09
Blake with Dad at the zoo.  So glad we were there as a family instead of losing one of us on the way!!
Bryan ready to take Tyson Camping. 

Sunday, June 14, 2009

My near death experience.

So Bryan's family decided to go to "Grandma's day at the zoo" Saturday where my mother in law was taking us and we packed our kids up and headed out.  To get to the zoo you have to drive out of a canyon.  It's a highway with two lanes going in each direction.  We were in the far right lane and all of the sudden Bryan looked up in his rear view mirror and saw a guy speeding really fast coming up behind us.  Bryan got out the words " that guys coming real fas...." and just then the guy started drifting off the road and hit the back right bumber of our car.  It sent us into a spin across the highway.  According to the lady who was behind us our car went up on two wheels for a little bit.  When we started to spin Bryan put his arm out in front of me (which I think is sweet) and started to tell me to hold on because we were going to roll.  He said that a couple of times.  I put my hands over my face because honestly I thought for sure we were going to roll or going to get hit by another car as we skidded across three lanes of traffic and I didn't want the feeling of seeing it coming.  I'm sure that is the wrong thing to do but you can't judge me unless you have been in a accident like this.  Our car went over the lane next to us (where I swear there was a car there but they either slowed down when they saw that guy coming up behind us or something) over the median, and here is the scary part- over two lanes of oncoming traffic.  It's freaking me out thinking about all of this again.  Just last December a couple died in this same canyon when someone hit them head on. They were were innocent in that one too.  I wasn't thinking I was going to die- I don't think I had time to- but I thought for sure we were going to be hit again. Getting hit was scary but waiting to get hit again was by FAR the worse part.  When we finally stopped moving we were off the road on the other side of the highway-Thank the good Lord- and I was crying uncontrollably and my kids were sitting wide eyed in the back seat.  They never cried though the whole thing but Bryan said he did look back at Blake during it he looked terrified.  Bryan thought the guy had done it on purpose and he was out for blood.  He had it made it out in his mind that no matter how big this guy was he was going to take him out.  With how much adrenaline was pumping though him I'm sure he could have. At first I didn't see the guys car and I thought he had driven away and that really pissed me off.  Then I saw him coming over to our side of the high way and Bryan went up to the guys car and when he stopped Bryan yanked him out by his shirt and with some colorful language asked him what he was thinking.  The guy was very apologetic and confessed he feel asleep at the wheel.  Bryan calmed down but I still was just sobbing.   I kept looking back at my kids thinking how much worse this all could have been and that made me cry even harder.  I was very touched by how many people stopped to make sure we were ok.  One was the police chief from our area who was behind us and he told Bryan it was really a miracle that we didn't roll.  Especially when I tell you that Bryan didn't have a seat belt on.  The whole thing is a gift from God.  I have no doubt we were really being watched over though the whole thing.  That we could go across three lanes of traffic, not roll, or go off the embankment near where we stopped (it was at least a 100 yard steep drop) and not have really a mark on us is a miracle.  Bryan hurt his leg on the shifter and we both have some back and neck stiffness today but I'll take it.  People would ask me if I was ok and I just kept sobbing that my kids were in the backseat and I couldn't do anything for them.  I'm sure my reaction scared them about as much as anything.  
We hold no ill feelings toward the guy who hit us.  He told Bryan he had never been in a accident and he has never fallen asleep before and he felt so bad.  Bryan asked him if he believed in God and he said yes.  He told him that he needs to take an experience like this and learn from it.  God saved us no doubt because he just about killed a whole family.  We were on the side of the road for at last a hour and my kids were being really good for it.  Luckily my mother and law wasn't there to watch it or she would have honestly killed over right there but they all came behind us and made sure we were ok.  You wouldn't believe my car looks so intact but it does.  It just has a big scratch on the bumper where he hit us.  
I'm sure there is some body damage too though.  I have made the mistake of driving while tired before but it's been 6-7 years ago.  If you learn anything from this experience don't EVER EVER EVER drive when you are tired.  
My husband loves to tease me.  He does it just about every second he is around me.  He never just says "I love you" to me but when he got in the car when it was all over he said "if I don't tell you enough I love you." I'm so thankful that last night I could hug and kiss my children and kiss my husband goodnight.  We are so blessed to be here.  I had Bryan take some pictures of everything in case we need them.  Here is us in the car about a hour after.  I don't look very happy but I don't think I could have smiled then. Anyway I hope be tomorrow I stop reliving this over and over in my head.  Thank heavens I have my family forever.  

Hogle Zoo

After the above post we still went to the zoo.  I didn't want to sit around all day thinking about what had happened and I wanted to have some fun memories for the kids too.  It rained off and on while we were there but for the most part it was dry.  Bryan's whole family was there and His Aunt, her kids/Grandkids and Uncle and his kids were all there.  I bet we had about 45 people in our group.  I feel bad because some of them were waiting outside the zoo for like a hour because of us.  Not much we could have done about that! We had a fun time though.  I'm glad we went.  

Getting a drink.  
Looking at the elephants.
A few of the cousins. 

Monday, June 8, 2009

Air Show!

I had typed this entire post on my slow internet and even had it posted- then I noticed it was posted on my husbands hunting blog.  Ugh!  He had updated his blog so when I clicked on doing a post his blog was listed first and I didn't notice.  So here we go again.  With less writing I'm sure this time.  

We went to the air show at a air force base around here with my parents this weekend.  I really enjoyed it! We were there way too long in the sun though.  We kept waiting for the thunderbirds to preform at the end  but we didn't know what time that would be.  5 hours later we were finally going home.  Poor Blake got a fever from being in the sun so long.  I had no idea he was that hot because it was only about 80 degrees.  The boys did like the planes for the most part and did really good sitting with us that long.  It's amazing what people can do in a airplane!  
My boys and my parents.  
Ty loved seeing the planes after he rode in one a couple of weeks ago.
A rare photo of just Bryan and I and he still can't look normal in it.  Oh well- I guess he will just have to be remembered as a weirdo.  That's at least what I tell him. 
This is Bob Lonsberry-   He is  a LDS conservative talk show host from SLC that is broadcast in different places across the country and Bryan listens to him at work just about every day.  I think it was the highlight for Bryan. 
Another rare photo of my family all together.  I'm usually the one holding the camera. 

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Horses, camping and more

Tyson had quite the week last week. He went on a airplane ride, horse ride, camping, then we took him to see the Pixar movie "Up" on Saturday. What a spoiled boy! He was so tired when we took him to the movie that I think he will enjoy it more when it comes out on video. That is the first movie I have seen since Blake was 2 months old. Sad really. But a cute movie. One I think I will buy when it comes out.

I had a put a picture of my baby for good measure. The poor kid has been stuck at home with mom while Ty goes and does all of his fun things. Don't worry buddy! I'll make it up to you! My husband is great though!
Ty had his teeth cleaned for the first time yesterday. He did SOOO good! I was kind of worried about how he would do but he did really well. My sister in law Heather cleaned them so I'm sure that helped a lot. Thanks Heather! You did a great job!
He went camping with the ward on Friday. He loves camping.
I know this picture is small but if you look at it bigger you can see how baby blue my sons eyes are. I love his eyes.
Some friends in our ward at the camp out. Brett McEvoy and his son Ethan and Paul Johnson with his son Jayden.

My boy on a horse. I have never been on a horse ride and I think the boys have gone like 5 times. Honestly I'm nervous to be riding on something that has a mind of it's own.
Ty wanted to get down and run with the other boys a lot. He is running with them in this picture.