Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Monday, June 8, 2009

Air Show!

I had typed this entire post on my slow internet and even had it posted- then I noticed it was posted on my husbands hunting blog.  Ugh!  He had updated his blog so when I clicked on doing a post his blog was listed first and I didn't notice.  So here we go again.  With less writing I'm sure this time.  

We went to the air show at a air force base around here with my parents this weekend.  I really enjoyed it! We were there way too long in the sun though.  We kept waiting for the thunderbirds to preform at the end  but we didn't know what time that would be.  5 hours later we were finally going home.  Poor Blake got a fever from being in the sun so long.  I had no idea he was that hot because it was only about 80 degrees.  The boys did like the planes for the most part and did really good sitting with us that long.  It's amazing what people can do in a airplane!  
My boys and my parents.  
Ty loved seeing the planes after he rode in one a couple of weeks ago.
A rare photo of just Bryan and I and he still can't look normal in it.  Oh well- I guess he will just have to be remembered as a weirdo.  That's at least what I tell him. 
This is Bob Lonsberry-   He is  a LDS conservative talk show host from SLC that is broadcast in different places across the country and Bryan listens to him at work just about every day.  I think it was the highlight for Bryan. 
Another rare photo of my family all together.  I'm usually the one holding the camera. 


Brittney said...

Hey looks like you had fun! And your boys are soooo cute!

Desiree said...

We went to that too. We sat under the last hanger so we had shade. It was fun to watch all those different planes.

ndpettingill said...

Yep, I am VERY familiar with the weird face pictures. Dave can't take a normal photo and it bugs me to death! No wonder him and Bryan get along.

Camey said...

Hey you! I want to meet up with you at the zoo! When are you going? Did I already miss it. I am sorry I didn't get back to you. It has been a stressful last few weeks!

blair and maisy said...

Looks fun! Great pictures.