Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Sunday, June 14, 2009

My near death experience.

So Bryan's family decided to go to "Grandma's day at the zoo" Saturday where my mother in law was taking us and we packed our kids up and headed out.  To get to the zoo you have to drive out of a canyon.  It's a highway with two lanes going in each direction.  We were in the far right lane and all of the sudden Bryan looked up in his rear view mirror and saw a guy speeding really fast coming up behind us.  Bryan got out the words " that guys coming real fas...." and just then the guy started drifting off the road and hit the back right bumber of our car.  It sent us into a spin across the highway.  According to the lady who was behind us our car went up on two wheels for a little bit.  When we started to spin Bryan put his arm out in front of me (which I think is sweet) and started to tell me to hold on because we were going to roll.  He said that a couple of times.  I put my hands over my face because honestly I thought for sure we were going to roll or going to get hit by another car as we skidded across three lanes of traffic and I didn't want the feeling of seeing it coming.  I'm sure that is the wrong thing to do but you can't judge me unless you have been in a accident like this.  Our car went over the lane next to us (where I swear there was a car there but they either slowed down when they saw that guy coming up behind us or something) over the median, and here is the scary part- over two lanes of oncoming traffic.  It's freaking me out thinking about all of this again.  Just last December a couple died in this same canyon when someone hit them head on. They were were innocent in that one too.  I wasn't thinking I was going to die- I don't think I had time to- but I thought for sure we were going to be hit again. Getting hit was scary but waiting to get hit again was by FAR the worse part.  When we finally stopped moving we were off the road on the other side of the highway-Thank the good Lord- and I was crying uncontrollably and my kids were sitting wide eyed in the back seat.  They never cried though the whole thing but Bryan said he did look back at Blake during it he looked terrified.  Bryan thought the guy had done it on purpose and he was out for blood.  He had it made it out in his mind that no matter how big this guy was he was going to take him out.  With how much adrenaline was pumping though him I'm sure he could have. At first I didn't see the guys car and I thought he had driven away and that really pissed me off.  Then I saw him coming over to our side of the high way and Bryan went up to the guys car and when he stopped Bryan yanked him out by his shirt and with some colorful language asked him what he was thinking.  The guy was very apologetic and confessed he feel asleep at the wheel.  Bryan calmed down but I still was just sobbing.   I kept looking back at my kids thinking how much worse this all could have been and that made me cry even harder.  I was very touched by how many people stopped to make sure we were ok.  One was the police chief from our area who was behind us and he told Bryan it was really a miracle that we didn't roll.  Especially when I tell you that Bryan didn't have a seat belt on.  The whole thing is a gift from God.  I have no doubt we were really being watched over though the whole thing.  That we could go across three lanes of traffic, not roll, or go off the embankment near where we stopped (it was at least a 100 yard steep drop) and not have really a mark on us is a miracle.  Bryan hurt his leg on the shifter and we both have some back and neck stiffness today but I'll take it.  People would ask me if I was ok and I just kept sobbing that my kids were in the backseat and I couldn't do anything for them.  I'm sure my reaction scared them about as much as anything.  
We hold no ill feelings toward the guy who hit us.  He told Bryan he had never been in a accident and he has never fallen asleep before and he felt so bad.  Bryan asked him if he believed in God and he said yes.  He told him that he needs to take an experience like this and learn from it.  God saved us no doubt because he just about killed a whole family.  We were on the side of the road for at last a hour and my kids were being really good for it.  Luckily my mother and law wasn't there to watch it or she would have honestly killed over right there but they all came behind us and made sure we were ok.  You wouldn't believe my car looks so intact but it does.  It just has a big scratch on the bumper where he hit us.  
I'm sure there is some body damage too though.  I have made the mistake of driving while tired before but it's been 6-7 years ago.  If you learn anything from this experience don't EVER EVER EVER drive when you are tired.  
My husband loves to tease me.  He does it just about every second he is around me.  He never just says "I love you" to me but when he got in the car when it was all over he said "if I don't tell you enough I love you." I'm so thankful that last night I could hug and kiss my children and kiss my husband goodnight.  We are so blessed to be here.  I had Bryan take some pictures of everything in case we need them.  Here is us in the car about a hour after.  I don't look very happy but I don't think I could have smiled then. Anyway I hope be tomorrow I stop reliving this over and over in my head.  Thank heavens I have my family forever.  


Dawn said...

Wow Heather! I am glad you are safe! What a miracle. Just today as I was driving home from Church (my husband and kids had left a few minutes before me) I had the thought, wouldn't it be awful if I came up on an accident and it was my whole family, but me. It was an awful thought. I hope that it never happens. It is comforting to know I am sealed to them though! Glad you guys are all right!

Curtis and Deedra said...

Oh Heather, that must have been terrifying!! Just reading your story made me cry, honestly. We don't know how precious life can be and how fast it could possibly end. I'm so glad you and your family are safe! Heavenly Father was definitely watching over you and I'm so glad he did. The last thing I want to do is go to a friend's funeral. And it was good that you still went to the zoo so you could think about something else and glad you were able to have a good time. Sure miss you!

Brittney said...

NO WAY!!!!!! Ohhh Heather that really was such a blessing you were being wathced over! Your guardian angels were working overtime. You must have been on I-80 and I HATE that road- the lanes are so small and people speed. Every time I have driven on it I have a panic attack. You really are so blessed, I am in shock that nothing too bad happened cause that road is awful. I am so glad you guys are ok. And it is so amazing your kids didn't cry or anything. I think it is kinda funny that Bryan grabbed the guy! And that guy got blessed too- could you imagine the guilt he would have had if he had hurt or killed a family! So glad you are ok. (I know i keep saying that but I am just so glad you are ok)

Adam and Aubrey said...

HOLY STINKING CRAP. That honestly scares me and makes me so mad! I am so glad Heavenly Father wants you guys here! That guy could've wiped out an entire little family, I hope he thinks twice before driving drowsy. What a shocker. and I guess a scary lesson in how important it is to let your family know you love them!

blair and maisy said...

Holy cow- that would have been so scary! I'm so glad you guys were okay. Tell Bryan to start wearing his seatbelt so he can be ready just in case next time.

Rebecca said...

So happy you are all still here!! What an experience...Props to Bryan for not killing that man. I hope Bryan learned to wear a seat belt and say "I love you!" every day. I probably would have covered my eyes too. I think that what the "Oh, crap" bar was made for that. Count your blessings for sure!