Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Horses, camping and more

Tyson had quite the week last week. He went on a airplane ride, horse ride, camping, then we took him to see the Pixar movie "Up" on Saturday. What a spoiled boy! He was so tired when we took him to the movie that I think he will enjoy it more when it comes out on video. That is the first movie I have seen since Blake was 2 months old. Sad really. But a cute movie. One I think I will buy when it comes out.

I had a put a picture of my baby for good measure. The poor kid has been stuck at home with mom while Ty goes and does all of his fun things. Don't worry buddy! I'll make it up to you! My husband is great though!
Ty had his teeth cleaned for the first time yesterday. He did SOOO good! I was kind of worried about how he would do but he did really well. My sister in law Heather cleaned them so I'm sure that helped a lot. Thanks Heather! You did a great job!
He went camping with the ward on Friday. He loves camping.
I know this picture is small but if you look at it bigger you can see how baby blue my sons eyes are. I love his eyes.
Some friends in our ward at the camp out. Brett McEvoy and his son Ethan and Paul Johnson with his son Jayden.

My boy on a horse. I have never been on a horse ride and I think the boys have gone like 5 times. Honestly I'm nervous to be riding on something that has a mind of it's own.
Ty wanted to get down and run with the other boys a lot. He is running with them in this picture.

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