Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Happy Fathers Day Bryan!

Fathers day 2009- The boys made him these Ties at church.  Here is Daddy and his "Ty's" 

Okay so I know it isn't fathers day anymore but I wanted to pay tribute to the father of my Children.  One of the things I love about him most (besides  being so ruggedly handsome) is how wonderful of a dad he is to my boys.  I always knew he would be and that's one of the main reasons I married him.  Every morning Blake asks where his dad is.  Then he always answers his own question "dad work mom" he says.  When he pulls up at the end of the day they always run to the door to greet him.  I really couldn't ask for a better father for my kids.  What else can you ask for? We love you Bryan!
Bryan's first official picture as a dad.  He has been crazy about Ty since the day he laid eyes on him.  They have been buddies ever since.  
I just think this picture is too sweet.  Whenever our kids are sick it makes Bryan physically ill worrying about them.  He would trade places with them in a heartbeat.  
There are few people I have ever seen the love to play with kids as much as my husband.  He LOVES to get down on the floor and chase and tickle my boys.  
Blakes first picture with Daddy.  I really don't know why in an important picture like this Bryan still looks stupid but that's just the way Bryan is.  Blake has loved his dad since day one.  
My three studs 
Last Halloween
Dad with the boys Jan. 09
Blake with Dad at the zoo.  So glad we were there as a family instead of losing one of us on the way!!
Bryan ready to take Tyson Camping. 


Curtis and Deedra said...

Looks like you married a great guy!

Did you get my email yet? I'm coming to Utah next week and want to stop by and visit. Send me an email.

Camey said...

So sweet! OKay...let's plan to meet up! Soon! Any news on anything else?