Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I'm back!

I'm back! My stupid internet has been down for almost two weeks and I've been going nuts. I wanted to post a lot on my baby's 2nd birthday and this is the first time I've been able to do it. I have lots more to post but won't be able to today. So here we go!
We went to my parents house a couple of weeks ago and did a mini party for my baby's birthday! My parents found this cute Elmo truck toy with this hat. He loves to ware it around.
We went to the local university homecoming parade. Batman was nice enough to pose for the picture. I had to play parade with Tyson the rest of the day though. He would throw me candy and I would have to pick it up.
My mom with me and my boys.
My cute boy. Oh I love him!
I just thought this photo of Blake and Bryan was sweet.
Our family- Tyson is already starting to pull faces. Nice.


Meikjn said...

we have had tons of computer problems too. we ended up buying a new (used) one, so now I have no files, at least for a while arrgggghhh. I think it is so nice you live so close to family. I am a little jellous.

Brittney said...

Love the face pulling! Blake is getting so big! I can't hardly believe mine are getting so old, let alone anyone else's! Sorry to hear your internet was down but glad you are back in blogging world! Welcome back!