Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Monday, March 28, 2011

The Ladybug

Ty showing off his new pet.

My boys and their bugs- ugh. But one bug I don't mind is a lady bug for some reason. So the other day when it was warm outside my boys were excited to show me a lady bug they found. I was surprised they were able to find one this early in the spring but they did. They had to bring it in the house as their "pet". They told me they set if free outside. (Most of the time the bugs get loved to death by them) They even let Stockton hold it. I'm sure if they would have left the bug with him for long it would have ended up in his mouth.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


We have had a cold in our house for about a month now and poor Stockton has had a hard time with it. He was sleeping from 9-5 every night until he got the cold. Now he wakes up about every 2 hours coughing. Poor little guy (and poor me!).

He usually takes 3 naps a day which I live for. He usually is pretty content to sit in his swing or bouncy seat for awhile but a lot of the time he wants my attention.
I have never had a kid so in love with his fist. He almost always has it in his mouth. I think part of it is because he wants to put everything in his mouth and he doesn't quite understand that you have to pick it up to suck on it. He will try to grab the toy and miss then suck on his hands like it was the toy in his mouth.
He smiles so easily and he giggles a lot.
Stockton lights up whenever anyone pays attention to him.

We gave him his first bite of rice cereal the other day (actually Bryan did while I was at church but he took video for me) and he isn't too big of a fan. I need to push it more I guess.
I started to bathe him in the big tub and he LOVES it. He kicks and splashes in it forever.
The other day I could hear that he was up in his crib and I went in to get him and he was smiling at me. I love that.
I had to put away his 3-6 month clothes. I always feel really sad when my kids grow out of their clothes. I hope I have another boy someday because a lot of his clothes don't get very worn and they are so cute! His 6-9 month clothes fit him really well. He is in size 3 diapers now too.
I'm so grateful I can be his mom and that I can spend so much time with him.
A smile in between not liking solid food

hahaha- love this picture. The outfit is so cute and he is already grown out of it.

He drools so much I have to put a bib on him so it doesn't soak his shirt

Monday, March 21, 2011

Tyson toot

Tyson is 5 and getting ready for kindgarden this fall. He goes to preschool three times a week and is doing very well. Ty is really into all types of "bad weather" he calls it. Especially tornados. He is always looking out for tornados even though I've told him we don't get those around here. When ever he sees it windy outside he asks if this is a hurricane. Again something we will never get here. He wants to go camping in the desert so he can see a dust devil tornado.
Ty is a very loving brother to Stockton. He LOVES Stockton and will always go over to hug and kiss him. He also can be very thoughtful to Blake. He always has a treat from preschool to share with Blake. It's especially nice because Blake very rarely shares with Ty.

The favorite thing to do lately is the dang computer games and his leapster. I am trying to make him earn time on both because he could play them all day. I always thought I would never let my kids play stupid games but at least he plays learning games. It so easy to let him play because he is content for a minute without make a mess.

Poor Ty gets the shaft a lot I think because he is the oldest. I am trying to make sure things are more fair with my kids but he is the one that requires the least amount of attention so it's hard to give him a lot of one on one time. He is such a special little guy. I can't wait to see what a wonderful person he is becoming.
A self portrait- Ty loves to grab my camera and take pictures.
Ever since swimming lessons last summer he wanted goggles so my mom must bought him this.
Tough guy!


Ever since Blake was a baby Bryan started calling him Gorden B Bakers and it was shortened to Gorden- Gord- Gordondo- The great Gordaini etc. Now he gets mad and says "my name is BAKERS!" Blake is VERY feisty when he is at home with me. He thinks he is the boss of everyone. He screams a lot and he has a very high pitched voice so it sounds awful. He can go from screaming to hugging me and kissing me in a matter of minutes. He is hard for me to discipline because he just falls apart when I get mad at him. It makes me feel so bad. He really cares about the clothes he has on. Especially his PJ's. He is finally over having to ware his batman PJ's every night. It's a good thing too because the are way too small. He still loves guns and swords and chess. When I can I go lay by him at night for a minute and he puts his arm around me. I love my little guy!
Blake holding his little batman- with his favorite shirt he has on at least once a week.
I thought the undies and boots were just too funny. He loves his boots.
Blake is very talented at basketball! He loves to shoot baskets and dribble around my kitchen.
He likes to get himself dressed- and like this day quite often his stuff is on backwards.

He was giving himself a "bath"
He wanted his hair like his dads.

Friday, March 18, 2011

St. Patricks day!

St. Patricks day at the Palmer home. Poor Stockton is a little too loved by his brothers sometimes. I think the look on his face is classic!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

All dressed up!

We found the boys their clothes for my brothers wedding in a couple of months. We had to make sure everything fit well but I'm pretty sure they won't be putting the clothes on a lot before the wedding. My boys are WAY too messy. We found the older boys stuff at JC Penny and Stockton's was at Old navy. I'm really excited about the wedding! They found me a really pretty dress too. I hope my gut can fit into it. It really does get harder to loose the weight the more kids you have.

All the stuff going on in Japan makes me cry when I watch it. Those poor people- I'm grateful for a warm home and healthy family today. This is a picture of a father that just found his 4 month old (Stockton's age) after rescue workers found her in a pile of debris. As soon as he got her another tsunami warning started sounding and he had to run to higher ground. I thought about Stockton and the panic I would feel if he was lost after a disaster like this. And being able to survive a few days in a pile of junk? Holy cow. I'm amazed at the Japanese people and how calm and well they are handling this. I don't think many other places in the world would handle this as well as the Japanese.

Friday, March 11, 2011

The grub

Have you ever lifted up a log and seen big bugs under it? Bryan decided that Stockton looks like a fat grub that lives under a log. I might have to agree now though- at his 4 month well check up he was 17 POUNDS! Holy crap! No wonder my back hurts all the time. He is also just over 25 in long too. I started to put him in 6-9 month clothes the other day because they fit him. He has had a really bad cough and cold the last few days so my poor little guy hasn't been sleeping well. I think we are finally on the mend. (I hope)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Too Many Toys

I lost it yesterday. I saw a video of my kids a few years ago and I was noticing how much more cleaned up my house looked. Part of that is if a room looks messy I hurry and pick it up or don't film it (do you do that too?) but part of it was they had a lot less toys. I have made a few DI runs to get rid of a lot of stuff they don't play with but we still have a lot of toys they really like I have a hard time giving away. So yesterday when I went into my room where they dumped blocks and their room with Trio blocks and tons of toys all over I lost it. It was time to do something. So I pulled out two big boxes and filled them with toys and put them in my storage room. When they still wouldn't really pick up much I filled a couple of big bags up with toys and put them away too. Don't feel too bad for them- they still have plenty to play with. I will rotate them with their other toys after awhile. I feel like a weight has been lifted off me though. To walk in their room and not have it filled with toys. It also reminds me my kids have way too many toys. I really need to make another DI run.

PS Have you ever read the book Too Many Toys by David Shannon? Love it.

Monday, March 7, 2011

3 crazy boys

You have no idea how hard it is to get a good picture of the three of them at the same time. Stockton is the easy one.

Friday, March 4, 2011


I had seen these chairs around for awhile now and got a bunch of discounts to (LOVE the amazon mom program) that I broke down and bought a bumbo chair for Stockton. He kind of likes it- he is the type that needs things in front of him to entertain him. The funniest part is when I pull him out of it his fat legs get a little wedged so I have to pry him free. Don't worry it doesn't hurt him, just makes me laugh.

How do they sleep like this???

We have been board out of our minds being stuck at home. I have never been one to be really scared of germs until I had little babies being sent to the hospital. Blake was still the worst but poor Stockton got sick the end of December and was tested for all sorts of stuff. If you are the type that brings your little babies out during the winter everywhere you most likely have never had a tiny baby in the hospital for illness. Just when I start feeling like we can go a few places a lot of people I know have the flu or RSV. RSV really scares me for my kids. Once illness is in my house it always gets spread around no matter how much I keep the sick one away from the others or disinfect the house. It's been a month since we were sick last I guess were due. I really need spring to come!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


We went from this:

To this in just a couple of weeks:
I got Bryan and snowblower a year ago and he has needed it this winter for sure! Men and their toys.

Usually this time of year I hate the snow but we had awhile where we didn't have any on the ground so I don't mind it as much. I am for sure looking forward to spring except I'm worried my neighbors new mean dog is going to eat my kids.