Ever since Blake was a baby Bryan started calling him Gorden B Bakers and it was shortened to Gorden- Gord- Gordondo- The great Gordaini etc. Now he gets mad and says "my name is BAKERS!" Blake is VERY feisty when he is at home with me. He thinks he is the boss of everyone. He screams a lot and he has a very high pitched voice so it sounds awful. He can go from screaming to hugging me and kissing me in a matter of minutes. He is hard for me to discipline because he just falls apart when I get mad at him. It makes me feel so bad. He really cares about the clothes he has on. Especially his PJ's. He is finally over having to ware his batman PJ's every night. It's a good thing too because the are way too small. He still loves guns and swords and chess. When I can I go lay by him at night for a minute and he puts his arm around me. I love my little guy!

Blake holding his little batman- with his favorite shirt he has on at least once a week.

I thought the undies and boots were just too funny. He loves his boots.

Blake is very talented at basketball! He loves to shoot baskets and dribble around my kitchen.

He likes to get himself dressed- and like this day quite often his stuff is on backwards.

He was giving himself a "bath"

He wanted his hair like his dads.