Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Monday, March 21, 2011

Tyson toot

Tyson is 5 and getting ready for kindgarden this fall. He goes to preschool three times a week and is doing very well. Ty is really into all types of "bad weather" he calls it. Especially tornados. He is always looking out for tornados even though I've told him we don't get those around here. When ever he sees it windy outside he asks if this is a hurricane. Again something we will never get here. He wants to go camping in the desert so he can see a dust devil tornado.
Ty is a very loving brother to Stockton. He LOVES Stockton and will always go over to hug and kiss him. He also can be very thoughtful to Blake. He always has a treat from preschool to share with Blake. It's especially nice because Blake very rarely shares with Ty.

The favorite thing to do lately is the dang computer games and his leapster. I am trying to make him earn time on both because he could play them all day. I always thought I would never let my kids play stupid games but at least he plays learning games. It so easy to let him play because he is content for a minute without make a mess.

Poor Ty gets the shaft a lot I think because he is the oldest. I am trying to make sure things are more fair with my kids but he is the one that requires the least amount of attention so it's hard to give him a lot of one on one time. He is such a special little guy. I can't wait to see what a wonderful person he is becoming.
A self portrait- Ty loves to grab my camera and take pictures.
Ever since swimming lessons last summer he wanted goggles so my mom must bought him this.
Tough guy!

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