We found the boys their clothes for my brothers wedding in a couple of months. We had to make sure everything fit well but I'm pretty sure they won't be putting the clothes on a lot before the wedding. My boys are WAY too messy. We found the older boys stuff at JC Penny and Stockton's was at Old navy. I'm really excited about the wedding! They found me a really pretty dress too. I hope my gut can fit into it. It really does get harder to loose the weight the more kids you have.

All the stuff going on in Japan makes me cry when I watch it. Those poor people- I'm grateful for a warm home and healthy family today. This is a picture of a father that just found his 4 month old (Stockton's age) after rescue workers found her in a pile of debris. As soon as he got her another tsunami warning started sounding and he had to run to higher ground. I thought about Stockton and the panic I would feel if he was lost after a disaster like this. And being able to survive a few days in a pile of junk? Holy cow. I'm amazed at the Japanese people and how calm and well they are handling this. I don't think many other places in the world would handle this as well as the Japanese.
I can't imagine!
So terrifying. Seriously. All the heartbreak and miracles happening. It's overwhelming to me!
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