Ty showing off his new pet.

My boys and their bugs- ugh. But one bug I don't mind is a lady bug for some reason. So the other day when it was warm outside my boys were excited to show me a lady bug they found. I was surprised they were able to find one this early in the spring but they did. They had to bring it in the house as their "pet". They told me they set if free outside. (Most of the time the bugs get loved to death by them) They even let Stockton hold it. I'm sure if they would have left the bug with him for long it would have ended up in his mouth.
...wish I would have seen you!
(my kids always think I'm nuts)
Ya. I am ready for this one to come. THankfully my dr. is willing to induce me because of my tear with Carson. (Friday!)
...now if I could only get everything I want to get done-done!
I hate bugs. All of them. I don't mind a ladybug, but I still can't touch it. I'm lame. Adam hates that I freak about bugs, he wants our boys to love bugs?! I dunno. Bugs and boys. Goes together I guess!
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