Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


We have had a cold in our house for about a month now and poor Stockton has had a hard time with it. He was sleeping from 9-5 every night until he got the cold. Now he wakes up about every 2 hours coughing. Poor little guy (and poor me!).

He usually takes 3 naps a day which I live for. He usually is pretty content to sit in his swing or bouncy seat for awhile but a lot of the time he wants my attention.
I have never had a kid so in love with his fist. He almost always has it in his mouth. I think part of it is because he wants to put everything in his mouth and he doesn't quite understand that you have to pick it up to suck on it. He will try to grab the toy and miss then suck on his hands like it was the toy in his mouth.
He smiles so easily and he giggles a lot.
Stockton lights up whenever anyone pays attention to him.

We gave him his first bite of rice cereal the other day (actually Bryan did while I was at church but he took video for me) and he isn't too big of a fan. I need to push it more I guess.
I started to bathe him in the big tub and he LOVES it. He kicks and splashes in it forever.
The other day I could hear that he was up in his crib and I went in to get him and he was smiling at me. I love that.
I had to put away his 3-6 month clothes. I always feel really sad when my kids grow out of their clothes. I hope I have another boy someday because a lot of his clothes don't get very worn and they are so cute! His 6-9 month clothes fit him really well. He is in size 3 diapers now too.
I'm so grateful I can be his mom and that I can spend so much time with him.
A smile in between not liking solid food

hahaha- love this picture. The outfit is so cute and he is already grown out of it.

He drools so much I have to put a bib on him so it doesn't soak his shirt


Rebecca said...

I just love those big blue eyes!
There have been a lot of illnesses going around here too, but luckily we have not been sick.

Heidi said...

oh, you'll have to tell me some way to contact your friend. I would love to talk to someone who can give me advice on homes, etc. Thanks, Heather!!!

Kandace said...

I know a place where those 1-3 month clothes would love to go. ...Just sayin' ;) He's a doll, Heaz! I can't believe I haven't met that one yet!

Camey said...

He is so cute!!