Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Too Many Toys

I lost it yesterday. I saw a video of my kids a few years ago and I was noticing how much more cleaned up my house looked. Part of that is if a room looks messy I hurry and pick it up or don't film it (do you do that too?) but part of it was they had a lot less toys. I have made a few DI runs to get rid of a lot of stuff they don't play with but we still have a lot of toys they really like I have a hard time giving away. So yesterday when I went into my room where they dumped blocks and their room with Trio blocks and tons of toys all over I lost it. It was time to do something. So I pulled out two big boxes and filled them with toys and put them in my storage room. When they still wouldn't really pick up much I filled a couple of big bags up with toys and put them away too. Don't feel too bad for them- they still have plenty to play with. I will rotate them with their other toys after awhile. I feel like a weight has been lifted off me though. To walk in their room and not have it filled with toys. It also reminds me my kids have way too many toys. I really need to make another DI run.

PS Have you ever read the book Too Many Toys by David Shannon? Love it.


Adam and Aubrey said...

AH! I am experiencing the same dang thing! TOYS EVERYWHERE! I live in a blasted house of toys! They own me.

MortFamily said...

I am constantly threatening to box up 1/2 the kids toys. I should really do it one of these days. I love that book. I just love David Shannon.

Camey said...

I have read it! You make me laugh! I am ways jealous of how many blog posts you get done!