Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Sunday, May 1, 2011


I WISH WISH WISH I had a really fancy camera or this picture would have been WAY better-

Lucky for us we live on a rock bed at my house and far from a river but Cache Valley is going to see a lot of water this week. A couple of weeks ago we got a heavy rain and it caused the blacksmith fork river to exceed it's banks about 1/2 miles from my house. Of course we had to go see! There was even a part of the road where you had to drive in water. The bigger problem is that we keep adding snow to the mountains and it's not melted off yet. I think it's like 185% of normal of something. So get your swimming suit on- were in for some flooding!

1 comment:

blair and maisy said...

No way! I didn't even know that had happened.