We have had it with this long long winter and decided to go up to Idaho for a change of scenery. Not that it is any warmer up there but Bryan's brother Cory and his wife Katie live there. We were really close to them while they live here and I still talk to Katie like once a week for a hour on the phone so we were really excited to see them. They have kids our kids ages too so my boys had a blast. They didn't want to leave there house to come home.
I'm going to have to do this in a few posts so here is our first day:
Bear world! So by Rexburg there is this place off the freeway called bear world where you can drive around real bears and see them.
It is VERY expensive for what it is but Cory had half off coupons so it wasn't as bad. It's like 15 bucks a adult. Really? Come on. But I guess people pay it. The bears were cool but they had a great petting zoo the boys loved. There were deer, goats and a pot belly pig walking around.
Weird to be petting a deer though. My nephew Luke was with us and he went nuts over the deer.
It kept licking his hand and stuff. Stockton liked the animals too. They have a few dumb carnival like rides for the kids as well that Ty and Blake could have rode all day. After a couple of hours total at Bear world we were done. I'm sure the kids will be asking to go back but I'm sure Bryan and I won't be too excited about it. Like it said- worth going once especially with a discount.
Not worth going again and paying full price.
Petting a deer.

The deer whipped his tale in Stocks face. He didn't even cry though. He really liked the animals.

Blake, Luke and Ty
1 comment:
Heather, i LOVE your hair. I think it looks sooo darling on you!
and I'm so sorry about your back. not fun. I'm happy brian's taking good care of you! I hope it heals quickly.
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