Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mothers Day

I had the best Mothers day EVER! My hubby really spoiled me this year. I got a nice hanging plant but mostly he helped a ton around here. I got to stay in bed while he got all the kids ready and fed then brought me breakfast in bed. I never thought I would really like that but I loved it. Then I got up and took a bath (I never get to do that) and relaxed. That felt really good on my back! He then had the whole house clean and was helping me finish the laundry. At church he took the baby as much as he could so I actually got to sit though a lot of sacrament mtg. He does help on a normal Sunday but I usually try to swap him out more. He took Stockton a lot of the day so I could rest my back too. It was a nice break and very needed. Now if I could just keep the house this clean all week....

Sunday morning Ty went up to Bryan and asked "does mothers day mean that mom doesn't do ANYTHING?" My boys learn quick.

Yes, I did chop my hair again too. I used to have this long, beautiful hair and then I had kids and it went really wavy in places. Stockton is pulling it so much I decided to chop it again. It's a nice change!


Anonymous said...

Heather this is such a cute picture of you and your boys! And I love your haircut. :)

heather and fam said...

Great job Bryan!!!! Wow, what an amazing hubby! You deserve to be spoiled on Mothers Day. Ty's comment is the best!! Teach 'em young.