Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

My 6 month old!

Stockton is now officially 6 months old. This is by far my favorite baby age! He is super smily and happy (most of the time) and he can't crawl and get into things.

He can hold toys in his hands and likes to put EVERYTHING in his mouth. Especially my hair lately. I think I'm going to have to cut it again. He has quite the grip on him. I have to pry his hands off my hair all the time.

He lights up when dad comes home or his brothers talk to him.

He loves peek-a-boo! I put his feet over my eyes and play peek a boo and he goes nuts.

I LOVE how when I go get him in the morning he is smiling and so happy. He kids and coos when he sees me come into his room.

He like my other two kids is a horrible sleeper. I have worked a lot more with him to help him sleep too. Last night he only woke up twice but for the last few weeks he has been getting him 4-5 times a night. I don't always have to feed him but a lot of the time he wants me too.

He is eating solids pretty good. He loves pears and bananas baby food. Sadly they are blocking him up and he just cries when he needs to go. I have been giving him some apple juice to try to help that but he won't really take it.

He is growing up so fast. I need to take a step back and just enjoy this time I have with my kids. I'm so grateful that I can be home with them all day. My kids are only this small once and I would be so sad if I had to miss it!


blair and maisy said...

What a cute guy!

Camey said...

So it looks like he is sitting up on his own already as well! Way to go!