We went to visit my mom for a couple of days while my dad is out of town and Bryan is super busy finishing up the summer semester so we went to her house. She only lives a hour away and has a crib and a couple of beds in her basement where it's easy to have the kids sleep. We went shopping and hung out at her house mostly but we also went to the Hogle zoo. I had got free tickets at a radio station thing awhile ago so we only had to pay 9 bucks for all of us to go. We went early in the morning so it wouldn't be too hot and had a great time. I am not used to driving in a city like Salt Lake so it made me a little nervous I was going to get lost but I did really good.

Stockton is asleep in the stroller. What would I do without a double stroller?

They had these dinosaurs all over the zoo that would move and make noises. Ty was totally in love with them. I love how he is watching the T-Rex.

Usually the giraffes are inside the building but the one was right next to the fence (below) and was the perfect place for a picture. The boys loved being that close to it. I was a little nervous it was going to spit on me or something.

This is my mom with my boys

Ok here is one of my pet peeves. So if you are somewhere that people like to take picture at be mindful of those around you. Don't walk into someone's picture and stand there- don't make people wait forever so they can get a picture too and watch your kids so they don't ruin someones picture. Ok I'm done venting now. I had to wait 5 minutes to take this picture and only and about 20 seconds to get them in place and snap one picture before this mom watches her little girl stand right in front of my boys and didn't say anything. So this is the best I can do.

It really was a good day though. My boys loved it, we got out of the house and we had fun. What more can you ask for?