Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


We just finished up with swimming lessons last week at the aquatics center in town and my boys loved it. Blake has been pretty scared of the water for awhile so I was worried about him being in lessons. Bryan told me out of either kid Blake needed them more because he was scared. The first day I walked him up to his class and said have fun and walked off and he got right in. The biggest problem Blake had was going under the water and now he does it all the time- even by himself! Ty was a fish like always and is actually swimming around a little big. We also had our annual swim party our dentist puts on so we have had a lot of swimming. I don't have a picture of Stockton (because I was holding him) but he loved the water at the swim party. We took the kids one other day and Stockton went nuts. Ty even mastered going down the big twisty slide alone! I'm so proud of him!
Tough guy
Blake is the second kid on the right- he just jumped in the water
Ty going down the slide alone
Silly boys
Ty doing his kicks- he is the top left kid.

On our last day when we were walking to the car Blake says "mom I'm going to miss this place."

1 comment:

Adam and Aubrey said...

haha. That's so sweet. For 2 weeks it seems like swimming lessons is all you do. And the laundry is insane trying to keep the towels and swim shorts clean! And then it ends and it's a bit of a bummer! I'm impressed Ty went down the slide alone! What a big boy!