Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Friday, July 1, 2011

Boys, boys and more boys.

I've been taking a lot of pictures of my boys lately. Some of my favorite pictures are ones where I just sit and take and take and one out of the 50 is awesome. Thank goodness for digital cameras! Now if I could only really figure out photoshop...

I love the look on his face.
Shooting a "gun" (Stick)
Not liking his hair spiked.
I hope he keeps his blue eyes! Blakes eyes were like this at this age but when green later. He sits really good by himself which really helps when taking pictures.
We had family pictures with the Palmers (for the second time, the first time the memory card lost all the pictures. We had to get 30 or so people together and ready twice what a pain!) and I was early so I clicked a photo of my own. Stock wasn't into it though.

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