Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Thursday, July 14, 2011


Stock has been changing to much lately! He is 8 months old and I can't believe it. I got his walker out and this week he has figured out how to cruise around my kitchen in it. I saw him eyeing my vacuum in the living room and before I knew it he was over to it and pulling it down to him. He is getting fistey if you aren't doing what he wants. ESPECIALLY when you have home made root beer in your hand and he knows it and you aren't giving it to him fast enough. He is rolling around (my first kid to really do this before crawling) and is getting on all 4's and rocking back and forth so crawling might not be too far away. I noticed today he is figuring his toys out. We have one of those farmer wheels (the one that you pull the lever down and it goes "the cow says" ) and he was pulling on the lever today trying to get the middle to spin. I still can't believe that. He did it again later too. Stockton is turing into a mama's boy a little bit. All my kids do around this age but give him a few months and he will be back to daddy. I love when he reaches for me. When I go in his room in the morning he does this to leg bucking kick and gets all excited. He really is a good baby.

1 comment:

Camey said...

Seriously he has the prettiest eyes! I see you in him a lot! He seems about the same place as my girls except Haleigh has been army crawling!