Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Thursday, July 14, 2011


By far my favorite pictures Dani took were the ones of my boys alone. I think the ones of Tyson take the cake too. I think they are my favorite pictures I have of him ever. There have been moments in Tyson's life where I wonder how much of a stinker he really is going to be. One minute he is driving me crazy and the next he is hugging me and is the sweetest thing ever. He is starting to be a really good helper to me. Guess what else he has been doing? READING! And for a past elementary school teacher I couldn't be more proud. He loves it and is so excited that he is doing it. He could play in his sandbox all day- even if he is alone. He is so brave too. That wasn't something he got from me. He has been really into drawing lately. Mostly monsters but I'm trying to talk him into drawing other stuff too- I wonder what his teacher would say about a monster with crosshairs on it's chest? I love to go lay by him before he falls asleep and hear about his day from his eyes. I am sad he is leaving for kindergarten soon. I love spending my whole day with him.

1 comment:

Camey said...

WOW! Whoever took these pictures really captured all your boys personality so well. They also are the best pictures of your boys ever. Oh they are all SO SO cute. You are going to have to be careful! We can start by having them be :)