Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Saturday, July 30, 2011

My artist

Tyson has really been into drawing lately. It's usually pictures of monsters of vampires or deer and deer getting shot by guns. Yeah. So I have been talking to him about trying some new things in the drawing department because I'm a little worried I'm going to get a call from Providence Elementary saying my son is drawing bad pictures of things being shot (deer and monsters) and I think he is doing pretty good. Here is some of his sidewalk chalk art:

Monster Rock
My favorite is this one- it's a witch
Ty at my mom's house- he covered her back patio with his drawings. He went to water some of her plants and it started washing away his artwork and he started to cry. He loves his drawings. I've bought him some little notebooks and he will sit at home and draw and draw.


Heidi said...

I'm super slow...but...I love your family pictures. Beautiful!

Anonymous said...

SOO cute!