Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down
Friday, September 30, 2011
Busy baby

Friday, September 23, 2011
Year ago today
This was just about a hour before I had the worst moment of my life. When the dr. came in the room and told us that Tyson's appendix had burst then I had a hard time hearing much else he was saying. My first thought was to starting prayer. I prayed that God would allow me to keep my little guy. I was so scared that he was going to die (I didn't know then how often this does happen and that really he was going to be ok) and I started to think of my life without him. Ty had been my buddy his whole life and I keep thinking of how inadequate of a mother I had been to him. I hated seeing him and pain and then more tears flowed as I thought of me telling him that whole day that he needs to quit being dramatic and eat something. I thought about how I had left him on my bed to watch TV alone for a hour or so and how if I had known I would have held him all day. I think until the day I die I will feel bad about that day.
A year later Tyson is doing great! He had had some problems with some scarring in his large intestine from the surgery causing some constipation problems but we got those figured out. These pictures remind me of all of those crazy feelings I felt that weekend for my little guy. I am SO glad that's over and even though I learned a lot from it I hope I NEVER have to do something like that again!
Thursday, September 22, 2011
I need to get better pictures then these because I have a lot more pumpkins then this but pumpkins are one of the few things that really turned out in my garden this year! I have a lot of raspberries that are green right now and I'm worried they will freeze before they are good but other then that we have had a ruff go with my garden. I waited too long to pick my corn and a lot of it was gross when I got to it. I'm guessing next year will be worse for it too- oh well! I like to garden though and my boys love to grow pumpkins!

Ty gave this one to his teacher. I thought the little face he made was so cute!
Monday, September 12, 2011
Bear Lake 2011!
Have I mentioned that I love my new camera? Because I really love my new camera! I wish I knew photoshop better and more then that had time to use it. We were able to go to bear lake with my family on Labor day weekend. With Bryan's crazy schedule with school he wasn't able to come so I went with out him. My family and my uncle Kevin's family and uncle Dan's kids (some) were there so it was a great time to see everyone! The lake is really really high and there were a lot of people and very little beach but we still had fun. Because of the amount of people it was hard to use my dad's new jet ski but my older boys had a ride or two. We mostly had good treats and played in the sand. Stockton even loved it! I hope we can go to the beach more next summer.

Ty- I'm not sure how the sand go on him like that
I was glad Blake went for a ride because he was really scared to go.

Stockton sat in this chair a lot drinking his caprisun for a lot time.

Blake loved the sand
Mom loves her boys
Sunday, September 4, 2011
I love my camera
I really wanted a camera that wouldn't take so long in between pictures so I could fire off a lot of shots at once. My new camera in the right light can do 3 pictures a second. Even when it's not light and the flash wants to go off it's really fast. I am finally getting some good pictures of my kids together because I can sit and take like 25 pictures and get one really good one.


Stockton loves to eat grass.
All ready for church
Blake and his cousins Laycee and Luke.
I'm starting to bathe my boys all at once more often. Especially now Bryan is in school and I feel like a widow. It's easier to get the baby started and then get the other boys in.
I had my 28th birthday the other day. The older I get the more my birthday is really like any other day but my boys made it special for me this year. Bryan had a class right at noon so I took the boys myself out to lunch. I was proud of myself for being able to handle it by myself with all three along. Later the family went out to dinner at Texas roadhouse and Bryan told them it was my birthday so they made me sit on that stupid saddle. They wheel out this saddle and it sits you up high and they girl announces how old you are and everyone has to yell YEE HAW! I was extremely embarrassed. I hate stuff like that. Lucky for me Ty got on it with me. Later we had cake.

Water turn
No one loves our water turn like Stockton. He gets mad if you are holding him and wants to get down and splash. We finally saved enough money from them that we have earned back what is costs to use them. Even though it really isn't worth the amount of time it takes to do it my kids and family love it so much it's worth doing. If we could finally get some shade in our backyard I bet it will really save us a lot!

Blake's first day!
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