Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Sunday, September 4, 2011


I had my 28th birthday the other day. The older I get the more my birthday is really like any other day but my boys made it special for me this year. Bryan had a class right at noon so I took the boys myself out to lunch. I was proud of myself for being able to handle it by myself with all three along. Later the family went out to dinner at Texas roadhouse and Bryan told them it was my birthday so they made me sit on that stupid saddle. They wheel out this saddle and it sits you up high and they girl announces how old you are and everyone has to yell YEE HAW! I was extremely embarrassed. I hate stuff like that. Lucky for me Ty got on it with me. Later we had cake.
The day before my birthday Ty came running outside with a gift bag and wanted to give me my present from him early. He had made this little heart himself and wanted me to have it. I love it. It's my favorite thing.


Camey said...

Oh I love the heart! Who got you the cake? So sweet!

Heather Palmer said...

It was actually my sweetheart husband Bryan!