Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Monday, September 12, 2011

Bear Lake 2011!

Have I mentioned that I love my new camera? Because I really love my new camera! I wish I knew photoshop better and more then that had time to use it. We were able to go to bear lake with my family on Labor day weekend. With Bryan's crazy schedule with school he wasn't able to come so I went with out him. My family and my uncle Kevin's family and uncle Dan's kids (some) were there so it was a great time to see everyone! The lake is really really high and there were a lot of people and very little beach but we still had fun. Because of the amount of people it was hard to use my dad's new jet ski but my older boys had a ride or two. We mostly had good treats and played in the sand. Stockton even loved it! I hope we can go to the beach more next summer.
Ty- I'm not sure how the sand go on him like that

Ty with "buddy Papa" on his new jet ski. The thing is sweet but with the amount of people in the lake is was hard to really to do much. Ty and I went for a ride on it though.
I was glad Blake went for a ride because he was really scared to go.
Stockton sat in this chair a lot drinking his caprisun for a lot time.
Blake loved the sand
I need to edit this photo with the shadow in Stockton's face but even without that I really love this picture. This beauty of my camera though is we took like 20 pictures in a row and my dad got them to smile.

Mom loves her boys


Camey said...

How to you edit the shadow out?Your kids are the cutest and you of course look amazing as always!

Jessica said...

Your boys are soooo sweet!! Stockton is just precious, love the pic of him sitting in the chair!