Stockton is a busy, busy boy! He is into everything! He had figured out how to open my cabinets and always is trying to get into the bath room to stand next to the tub, or next to a chair in the living room or anything else that could possibly hurt him he is there. He loves the sand box and usually has to have a quick taste of it before he gets out. He love to push cars and tractors all over the floor too. He is getting so many teeth all at once. His first tooth he broke was the top side tooth no joke. He now has the matching tooth on the other side. Still no bottom or top teeth but you can feel them coming in. He is drooling ALL THE TIME while we wait for the teeth to come in. All of the sudden he has this adorable personality. He has always been sweet but now he cracks me up all the time. He knows what he likes and he yells at his brothers if they take his stuff away. I can't believe he is almost 1!
He is so cute! This picture totally shows of his personality!
Look how big he is!! I can't believe it! That went fast! He has such beautiful blue eyes!
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