Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Sunday, September 4, 2011

I love my camera

I really wanted a camera that wouldn't take so long in between pictures so I could fire off a lot of shots at once. My new camera in the right light can do 3 pictures a second. Even when it's not light and the flash wants to go off it's really fast. I am finally getting some good pictures of my kids together because I can sit and take like 25 pictures and get one really good one.

Stockton loves to eat grass.
All ready for church
Blake and his cousins Laycee and Luke.
I'm starting to bathe my boys all at once more often. Especially now Bryan is in school and I feel like a widow. It's easier to get the baby started and then get the other boys in.

1 comment:

Camey said...

We bath all the kids at once now too! Though 4 can for sure be crowded! I so enjoyed talking to you the other day!