Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Brett at 3 months

I can't say enough how sweet my little Brett is!  I can't get enough of him! 
He sleeps THROUGH THE NIGHT! I have NEVER had a kid do that more then once at this age.   If he does wake up it's usually around 5 am the last week or so.  He goes down from 10 to 7 some nights.  And it is true- sleeping has a lot to do with the kid.  I don't do anything different with Brett then I did with the others and Tyson used to get up 4 to 5 times a night no joke. So people- I've earned a good sleeper!
When he sees me in the morning he gets this huge grin on his face.  I  can even get him to giggle when I tickle him.  He is so ticklish! Especially his back and feet.
It took him awhile to really start to smile.  I blame being born a month early and Bryan makes fun of me for it but hey he came 4 weeks early- it taking longer to smile makes sense. He is a cheezer now! I couldn't get him to look at my face for like the first month or 6 weeks of his life but now he is doing better.
Stock was a daddy's boy from day one- Brett is so a mama's boy.  Part of that is dad doesn't have the patience to stand up and walk around with Brett when he is board.  He only really cries when he is tired and board.  Sometimes when he is hungry but he usually gets fed before he is too mad.
This picture is even a few weeks old- His hair is almost all gone now.  I'll post a picture of the back of his head later- it looks horrible!  I huge bald spot like babies get but in between his dark hair that is only in the back now. Poor little guy.
He actually takes a bottle besides me feeding him.  It's a whole new world!  I can go to my cousins wedding this week and not have to freak out that he will be screaming and hungry when I get back.  I can run to the store without Bryan being in a tizzy at home.  So nice!
He kind of likes his bumbo chair but only for a little bit. He is starting to really like being in his swing. He sleeps really good in it when his brothers (mostly Stockton) leave him alone. 
Brett still has issues with his tear ducts.  His eyes have gunk in them all of the time.  He wakes up a lot with one or both eyes sealed shut.

I seriously can't get enough of this kid. I miss him when I go to the store or something.  (which is rare really) He is the most mellow baby! Sometimes we wonder if something is wrong with him because he is so mellow but then he has his times where he is kicking around.  My other boys were not likes this.  He really is a blessing from God.  My pregnancy was hard but I didn't have the morning sickness like my others so even though I felt like total crap it wasn't bad enough to not be able to function.  Then he is born and he is so good and sleeps!  I couldn't have asked for a better little guy to add to the dynamic of our crazy family.

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