Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Brigham City Temple

We had the awesome opportunity to go to the Brigham city temple open house this last week.  Bryan and I really wanted our kids to see what the inside of the temple looks like and I've never been to a open house before so I wanted to go too.  We met our friends the Hepworths there and didn't even have to wait in line.  Bryan and I were worried that our kids would be naughty but they were so good!  After a 10 minute video (which we didn't really watch much of because we were sitting in the back and it was HOT!) we went past all these people whose job was to put these little bootie things over our shoes so we wouldn't bring in dirt.  The tile work and finish work inside were beautiful!  I was told somewhere the tile came from Turkey but I'm not sure if thats right or not.  They moved us though in a huge line that moved pretty good.  My boys really liked the baptistry with the oxen.  Blake broke out of the line trying to look a little closer at it.  I actually thought it was cute because he didn't understand he needed to stay in line and I was worried they would think the tour was boring.  Even Stockton loved looking at all the paintings and was so good.  Brett was asleep on my the whole time. When we were done walking though they had cookies and water for us to drink and we went outside.  It was a really hot day! Then Tyson told me "that is the prettiest and bestest place I've ever been in". I asked the boys on the way home how they felt inside and they said they could feel Jesus's spirit inside and we had a little talk about it.  That comment alone was worth the trip over.  After the temple we met Theo and Annette over at the Arbys for dinner.  All in all a great experience.  I hope it's something my kids remember for a long time.

I knew you couldn't take pictures inside so I didn't know if you could even bring them inside so I only had my little camera that is broke and only takes video anymore so I don't have any pictures of us there.   I know this video is a little long but it's cute.

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