Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Monday, August 13, 2012


Stockton is so cute with Brett- he goes up to him and says "hi" in this high pitched voice.  He loves to give him a kiss and hug.  He also loves to hold him but only for a minute or so then he pushes him away. 

 This next one is my favorite:
 Ty and Blake still fight over who gets to hold Brett-
 I went to a bridal shower a couple of weeks ago and my Grandma was watching my kids for me.  When I got home Ty had made them PB&J sandwiches and they were having a picnic on their little picnic table.  So when we went to sams club they decided they wanted to do another picnic.  We have even done it once since then.

It's too bad it's been so hard for me to do things outside with my boys with it being so hot.  Brett and I don't last long outside if we don't have any shade during the day.  I feel bad we haven't done more things like a little picnic.

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