Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

My little salesmen

Ty is REALLY into selling things this summer- 
One afternoon a month ago or so Ty kept running in and out of the house and I could tell he was making something. I asked him what he was up to and he said was selling strawberries for 50 dollars. He had a sign that had pictures of strawberries, and little bucket for him to sit on and a wal-mart sack of strawberries.  He was yelling "STRAWBERRIES FOR SALE! 50 DOLLARS!" to everyone that drove by.  I was like Ty you can't sale those for 50 bucks.  And he was totally confused why.  Especially when I looked in the bag and saw like 10-15 strawberries, most of them squished. I explained to him he could only sale them for like 50 cents. I went back inside and apparently he had stopped some girl riding by on her bike that told them she would buy them and said she had to go get her money.  I went out to our garden and did my best to find some better strawberries for him incase this girl really did come back. (she never did.) He told me he only had to sale two bags of strawberries to by his DS player and was sad I wouldn't let him sale them for 50 bucks. 
 Recently he saw some "golden leaves" on my neighbors tree and thought he could sale them.  He was going to sale rocks and drawings too.  He was sad no one would buy leaves.  We have had to have a lot of talks about how people won't buy something they can get for free.
 Our friend owns a few Wendy's stores and was selling lemonade at our local "cruz in" and Bryan and the boys went to help.  Ty walked around for hours yelling "lemonade for sale! Three dollars!" He worked harder then any of them.  But more on Wendy's later.

Tyson is my little salesmen- he is ALWAYS wanting to do a lemonade stand but I just can't sit out in the heat with him and the baby.  Makes me wonder what he is going to be when he grows up.

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