Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Happy Graduation

Since Bryan won't let me get any real graduation photos of him these may have to be it- let me explain.
 Bryan's parents promised his brothers when they graduated from college they would buy them a new rifle and Bryan finally got it!

He also got a very expensive scope to put on it thanks to my parents and well me I guess.  But don't feel too bad for me.  I got a new bedroom set and bed this last Spring.  I consider that MY graduation present for Bryan finishing school.  That and Bryan being home so much more.  It's amazing to know what it's like to have a husband and father for my kids who we actually see. Last year I don't know how many times my kids went 3 to 4 days without even seeing Bryan.  I'm so proud of you Bryan!!!

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