Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Fathers day and then some

 Fathers day 2013- I thought it would be cute if all my boys had on a tie.  It was a lot of work to talk them into it and I'm not sure anyone noticed but me.
 We had a fathers day "dinner" at KFC the night before.  It wasn't very good, they didn't take my coupon and the dining room was dirty.  We we won't be back for awhile...
 Brett's "cheese" face.

 I found Blake's old bat man PJ's that he had to wear everyday.  They were his favorite! I love them on Stockton.

 We have a new member of the family!  Heather and Joe had a sweet new baby named Hannah June 7th.  She is so sweet and has lots of dark hair.

 So we went from me being in charge of a activity day's meeting right to the dentist with all 4 of my boys.  Do that sometime when you are feeling brave.  It didn't help that Stockton pooped after we got to the dentist and I  had to change him on the floor of the bathroom.  Brett was crawling around and it was so gross.  They did a quick little check of Stockton's teeth.  He did really good thankfully!  And no cavities for anyone!
 We drove up to Tony Grove end of May and we already could drive up there.  It's been a low snow year.

My boys love being up in the mountains.

Quick story about Stockton- we were in Sam's club and in the check out line.  I was looking at something and walked up to the boys with Brett.  I look around for a minute and ask Bryan where Stockton was.  He says "don't panic but I don't know" so I start walking to the back of the store looking for him.  Can't find him.  Bryan was still by the check out line and I see  him and he shrugs like he isn't sure still where he is so I head to the doors to make sure he didn't run outside looking for us.  By now I'm starting to panic a little because this had never happened to me before.  After 5 minutes of looking for him  Bryan calls my cell phone and he is laughing a little.  I said he better tell me he has him and he did thankfully.  What had happened is while we were in line Stockton walked behind us and into a shed that was set up in the store to sale.  He was right by us the whole time and we couldn't see him. While I was looking for him Bryan saw the door of the shed open just a little bit and he knew that's where Stock went.  What a little fart.  I couldn't even get mad at him for it because he had no idea we were even looking for him.  I am officially that mom that people look at and say "she has no business having that many kids".

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