Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

May at the Palmers

I've been waiting for Brett to grow up a little bit just praying that life will get a little easier and I have news for you- it isn't any easier! And now my baby is turning into a toddler! UGH!  So I've been trying to savor the moments with my little ones as much as I can.  Bryan keeps telling me he is so done having kids and it makes me sad to think about that part of my life being done.  I HATE being pregnant but I love my sweet babies.  How couldn't you love a face like this:

Ty finished up his last month of school.  I wanted to cry when he said goodbye to his teacher Mrs. Downs because she was SO GOOD to work with me to help Ty.  He has a really, really hard time focusing on things especially at school.  I would do homework with him for hours every night trying to help me catch back up with reading.  He is a really good little kid at school though and for that I'm thankful.  I hope things can get better for him at school soon!
Brett loves the tramp- unless the boys are jumping him all over kingdom come which happens a lot.
We headed to Wyoming to visit Bryan's brother Cory and his wife Katie.  I really miss them living close!  They had some cute kittens that Stockton was obsessed with! He loves animals a ton.  My older boys were so happy to be with their cousins.  I hardly saw them because they were off playing the whole time.  
My niece Abby (the poor lone girl with all these boys) totally cracks me up in this picture.

Brett FINALLY got his first tooth at about 12-13 months.  Not my oldest to get teeth but he is pretty old.  His first tooth was his top side tooth just like Stockton. So weird.
We call them his hillbilly teeth. 
We did our annual grave visiting extravaganza again.  We started out at the Jensen graves (Bryan's grandparents and uncles) and his Uncle Ivan and kids and Aunt Rhea met up with us there.

Then after a fun dinner we headed to the Logan cemetery.
This is my Grandpa Packs grave and below is Grandma and Grandpa Palmers graves.  I wasn't going to buy flowers this year to put on them but in the end I really wanted too. I think it's important for my kids to remember the family that got us where we are today.
For the record Bryan was here just not here for the picture.

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