Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Mutton Busting!

I found out on a Thursday that my niece Laycee was going to mutton bust in the Hyrum rodeo and I decided to hurry and sign Tyson up.  He did it a few years ago and tied for first when he was only 4.  He was excited to try it again so I decided to let him.  It was REALLY HOT outside and there was no where to sit so we ended up standing to watch for most of it.  Laycee is our little heart miracle and has had at least 3 open heart surgeries in her life.  She is a spit fire will a will much stronger then her little body.  My sis in law Jenny was sick about letting her do this but she has been begging for years and years to do it.  Poor Jenny was shaking the whole time until she saw Laycee was ok.  She did awesome! She got one of the higher scores of the night! My mother in law was freaking out as much as Jenny so as soon as we saw her waving to everyone I called out to her to let her know she was ok.  Tyson went right after her.  His sheep went like 25 feet then stopped and they clowns had to pry him off.  I was sad! He would have done so good!  Even though we had to sign up and pay for them to do it they seemed to have a lot more kids then sheep and he went second to last.  I felt bad he didn't get a chance to have a better ride but he was ok with it anyway.  

I think Ty looks too old in the picture even though I really love it.  Laycee is such a special little girl I  just love her to pieces.  When she was a newborn she went into full cardiac arrest. We went down to the  hospital to say goodbye to her and the little girl with the strong willed personality pulled through.  Who knows how long her little heart will hold out on her.  She could live a full life or who knows?  It really was a awesome moment to see her do so well at this rodeo.  She was so cute waving to everyone.  I'm so glad I got to witness it!

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