Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Monday, July 8, 2013

T ball

Blake has wanted to play tball for years.  I signed him up at the last minute even though the thought of sitting through his games with the little boys gave me anxiety.  Like I said before though- I refuse to have them miss out of life just because it's hard for me.  He loved it!  Tball is super low key and lucky for me next to a really nice park.  Tyson would run off and play and I could watch the game- as much as you can with the little boys.  We ended up having Bryan take them to the park- or me- or one of us staying home with the little ones.  It was really fun to watch him play! 

 Blake is the one standing next to the coach.  His coach was super nice.

 Blake knew how to hit it really far.  He really is good at sports.

And the reason he wanted to play:
 A trophy! After we missed his last game (I thought he had one more and we were at my mom's) we drove around Prov looking for the coaches house and finally picked it up.  He was very happy and proud of it.
Now they both have one!

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