Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Monday, July 15, 2013

Grandma Visit

We went to my parents house to stay for a couple of days.  Here are some of the fun things we did:

There is a pond by my moms house with a beach next to it where we went and played.  The boys made a fun sand castle and Brett loved playing in the sand. 
 We used our pass of all passes and went to trafalga (sp?) square.  We did mini golf, bumper boats, go carts and some other little rides.  Stock loved the mini golf and Ty drenched me on the bumper boats!  He could drive his own boat and really got me wet. He was crazy!  Blake liked mini golf the best he says.

 Side note- those are not my normal sun glasses- they look really stupid on me.  I couldn't find mine and had to use ones in the van...

 We went to a splash pad in highland.  My older boys complained about it and in the end got in.  Stockton on the other hand LOVED IT and had a ball.  Brett cried like he always does.

 They especially liked using their squirt guns.

 Stock usually sleeps in a crib and it weired him out to not have a crib.  I had to lay by him until he would fall asleep.  That usually meant that he talked and talked and I feel asleep.  I found him in between the bed and his mattress one morning.

 We also went to 7 peaks.  Tyson is my little fish and would go on all of the slides.  Blake did really good too as long as he got the life jacket.  One slide he went down with my dad and my dad got kind of stopped and had to push himself down the rest of the way.  Blake ended up coming out the bottom with out my dad and went under the water.  He was really angry with me after that.  Ty loved the wave pool (so awesome) and the lazy river.  Brett cried the whole time and Stockton did pretty good.

I'm glad my parents live close enough for us to go visit them.

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