I've had a come to Jesus moment a couple of weeks ago. Let me set the scene. We had to wake up really early to put up flags in peoples yards for a cub scout fundraiser. Bryan was hiking so I had all 4 kids by myself. I talked our neighbor Kristin into help me poor girl. We were out for over a hour and a half trying to put 45 or so flags up and my kids had had it. I went to grab them a donut after because he hadn't had breakfast and got a call from a find inviting us to a parade. We took her up on her offer and my kids did pretty good for the most part. At one point or another every one of my kids but Brett was crying about something. It was embarrassing. I decided on the way home to stop at McDonalds because I wasn't in the mood to make and clean up lunch. While we were ordering my food Stockton started to cry that he needed to go to the bathroom. I told him to hold on we were only a couple of minutes from home. So I paid and waited for our food. And waited, and waited and waited! 10 minutes in the drive through line with a kid what ended up peeing his pants and Bretty falling asleep was not my idea of a good time. When we got home the boys were yelling enough that Bretty started to wake up and I started to loose it. I was done. Lucky for me by the time I got Brett into the house he feel back asleep so I could have a little break. I went back in the garage to get the food and Blake offered to help me. On his way up the stairs he dropped the bag spilling food all over. He looked at me and his eyes started welling up with tears. He was scared I was going to go off on him. Gratefully I didn't and I picked him up and hugged him. He lost it. I told him he was much more important to me then some fries and he helped me pick up the food (that was still in the wrappers) and threw away the few fries that were on the ground.
This is what I learned from that moment. I'm a horrible mother. Seriously. My little 6 year old is scared of me because he accidentally dropped some fries. I think that my life is so out of control feeling some days that I take that frustration out on my sweet kids. I decided that things have to change.
Blake also taught me another important lesson this summer. He asks me to read him a book before bed a lot and usually I'm so done for the day and it's way past bedtime which is always is. I tell him I'll read to him in the morning. But in the morning craziness I never get around to reading then either. Then one day I just couldn't tell him no again so I told him to pick a book. I couldn't believe how much he loved it! He lite right up and hugged me while I read to him. So I've decided something. I need to quit saying NO AND TRY TO SAY YES!
I just read this awesome post on a blog I like to follow how she says no to some people to say yes to more important people. Saying no to hurrying and texting someone back or looking something up online to read a book or play a game. Every time I sit and text someone and ignore my kid trying to talk to me I'm making them feel like they are less important then my phone. I suck at this. So my goal for the week- baby steps you know- is to say yes as much as possible.
Saying yes to playing on the tramp- like Bryan did when he was wrestling with my boys the other night.Tying out some cool photos with my boys and allowing every one of them to blow them out. They got relighted a lot that night.
Remember the parade we went to? In the end they were glad they went. We were lucky to go with some good friends.
Saying yes to playing with bubbles. This is my niece Kiya laughing at my boys.
Saying yes to Stockton when he wants to dress up like camptain america around my house. Or when he wants to dress up as Robin at Maceys. Why not?
Saying yes to the rare moment when Blake asks me to take a picture of the "gun" he made with blocks.
Saying yes to giving my full attention to Ty while he does his math. Well full attention minus me taking a few pictures while he works out some problems.
He counts on his fingers a lot. I wanted a picture of that.
My little boys laying out a blanket on the floor to watch tv.
Bretty in my favorite PJ's of his.
They were pretending to be johnny appleseed. So Wish me luck. Here's to being a better mother.