"The biggest mountain in Logan is Naomi peak" says Tyson. "We named a place called rattle snake peak and lizard green springs. We also saw a tree that got struck by lightening. Blake almost shot a spider on it. Like he was like very close. Being on top of the mountain felt so high. You could see the other mountains. It's such a big peak. We also saw cheery peak. I would go again!"
Bryan has been wanting to do this hike with his boys for a long time now. I've been scared to let him take them because it's like a 5-6 mile hike. Maybe I'm off and if I am I bet it's not enough miles. I knew Bryan would be careful and I hoped more careful when he took them on china wall where there is a huge drop off on one side. That made me sick. Ty is clumsy!! Here are some pictures from Bryan's iphone. Its my favorite that he finally has a phone that takes good pictures and video because he does it ALL THE TIME. So when I'm not there he always takes a picture. Come to find out he loves photography too.
Were on top of the world! or at least 9,980 feet. Ya know, pretty close.
A scout troop was hiking to it as well. My boys were doing better then a few of their scouts. Pretty good for a 8 and 6 year old.
Bryan said I would have died over the wild flowers. I really wanted to go with them but the little boys would have been way to hard to take with us.
The lightening tree.
Look at my hubby adding in the sun to the side? He is getting good at this photo thing. I love it.
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