Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Water Turn

Sometimes I feel like we are living in the 1900's because we flood our yard once a week.  I used to think that was the worst thing ever when I heard we had to do that to water my old houses yard but now I love it.  At least when we have a good time to do it.  We get three times that rotate.  This year we lucked out and our worst time starts at 11:30 PM which is better then 2 am which we have had before.  The best part is my boys love to play in the water.  Case in point:
 They love to ride bikes through all the extra water running down the sidewalk. This day we were seeing who could get the biggest splash. Baco won.

 They also "sled" down the water too.  Too bad we don't have a steeper hill it would be more fun to not have to be pulled.

 And of course we usually have a little bare bums running around as well.  He ripped all his clothes off and started to play.  I of course had to take a couple of pictures before I got him a swimming suit.

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